Fine Art & Specie
Among the many businesses that require special attention from an insurance perspective, by virtue of their peculiar characteristics, we should highlight the case of jewellery and fur shops, etc. which, in this context, include the workshops where the final products are made and the warehouses, as well as transporting, display and the retail distribution of the products.
The very nature of the materials used and the finished products, with high concentrations of value in small objects, poses significant problems for all parties concerned in the insurance process, both prior to underwriting and during the active life of the policies.
This relates, on the one hand, to the scale of the potential claims, which explains why they have their own cover that falls under the classification of property and transport damage, distinct from policies in other lines, and on the other hand, to the frequency of these claims, due to the fact that such items are often the target of illegal acts against property; this is why we work together with the Judicial Police and other official law enforcement groups.
As regards works of art, their very nature determines their insurance value, since in many cases they are unique and irreplaceable works. We are experts in all types of visual arts, carvings, images, altarpieces and reliefs, antiques (furniture, silver, jewellery, fabrics, documents), buildings, monuments and urban developments with unique historical or artistic value.
Our FINE ART & SPECIE team specialises in appraising losses or damage of any valuable object on display, in storage or in transit. The team comprises experts in jewellery, fine arts and art history graduates, art restorers, etc., who, together with our team of architects, fire prevention specialists, economists or risk analysts, come together to form a multidisciplinary team capable of undertaking all types of commissions relating to outstanding architectural or historical ensembles, conditions for conservation of artworks or their valuation, among others.
Over the past 30 years we have completed more than 4000 projects, to the utmost satisfaction of our clients.
Our work approach includes handling the entire risk management cycle:
Prior to taking out the policy, inspection of the risks, a study of the inherent exposures/risks and those derived from the location and protection systems, both with respect to intrusion and other risks, such as fire, and any other data that may be relevant to establish the conditions relating to potential insurance (reports on the state of repair of the goods to be insured, reports on the value of the goods, analysis and assessment of risks – while on display, storage and/or in transit).
During the life of the policy: conservation traceability while on the road. Courier or accompaniment of the goods. Verification of safety conditions during transport.
When a loss event occurs: appraisal of the loss, including the corresponding risk verification stages, analysis of cover under the affected policies, investigation of concurrent circumstances in each case and, finally, determination of the loss in accordance with the applicable cover and its financial scope, and the possibility of passing on the financial consequences of the loss to the companies in charge of installing and managing the alarm systems. Audits.
Scope of action
Jewellery, precious metals
Wholesalers and retailers
Safety deposit boxes
Pawn shops
Cash in Vault/Transit (CIT)
Fine Art
Visual arts: painting and sculpture
Graphic works: etchings, drawings and photography
Carvings, images, altarpieces and reliefs
Antiques: furniture, silver, jewellery, fabrics, documents, etc.
Buildings, monuments and urban complexes with unique historical or artistic value
Facilities, video installations